Monday, 24 October 2011

Week 4 ::New Media versus Traditional Public Relations - The Net is Now::

By: Normah binti Hassan  2009459324

We can’t deny that good public relations are keys to the success of any business. Nowadays many organizations are using more new media rather than traditional public relations. Traditional public relations focused on print ads, articles, radio and television commercials, interviews and press conferences. Today's the influence of new media are growth rapidly among publics. It creates more business opportunity and also become a good medium to spread information about their products and events. It can be done through social media such as facebook and also email, blogs, internet marketing and more.

Generally, a strategic marketing plan must include these new media tools. Now, it’s hard to find any company without a website, and more and more consumers are depending on the internet to get the information.

Previously, a public relations firm needs to pay attention about what the journalist write on news papers or what media might report on their consumers. Today, through the internet, everybody has a voice. People rely more and more on internet news to get information on current events. They look to on-line product reviews and recommendations to determine what products they are going to buy. They depend on bloggers and internet columnists to provide them insight into almost every situation.

These new forms of media have taken traditional public relations and turned it upside down. Based on the article, those smart companies are capitalizing on the new media, and putting together blogs, joining online communities and discussions and keeping their websites fresh and current.

Furthermore, Public relations firms are giving more effort in creating e-mail campaigns and internet advertising. They are now realize about the big influence of new media, so they develop strategic communications plans that rely less heavily on old fashioned media and journalism, and more on the word of mouth impact that internet marketing generates instantly. This kind of strategic marketing is allowing newer, younger companies to quickly take over market share that more old fashioned companies don't even realize exists.  

In conclusion, any companies that want to be more succeed in their business need to focus much more on the new media versus traditional public relations. They need to generate an online presence and maintain it the same way that one does their own image. Companies need to develop websites, where the public can learn about them and organize a strategic communications plan that focuses on what the web says about their business, their products and even their personal reputation. Everyone know that the internet is very much a "right now" medium, so it is strategic marketing to constantly update the on-line presence and make sure that it is not relying only on  traditional public relations.

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