Monday, 17 October 2011

Week 3 ::Social Media is the Responsibility of Public Relations::

By:  Abdullah Fikry bin Masnoor  2009487014

When I am just online for searching some article for my assignment, I was attracted to this article which entitled “Social Media is the Responsibility of Public Relations that was written by Jason Falls. The author came out with a question which exactly place should the social media fall in the organizational structure. Then he came out with his own answer and opinion which the social media should be the responsibility of public relations. 

Jason Falls then gave explanation for the reason why he thinks that social media should be the responsibility of public relations. His answer is quite simple because the social media is actually a method of communication.  Social media tools are mostly driven by technology to deliver a message or messages. We are in the era of technology transition where the communication professionals or PR practitioners needed to learning quickly that there’s more to competency than communication skills to be relevant and effective in the age of social computing. Nowadays, technology has become a requirement of the skill set. But still there are so many communication professionals are badly poor in average computer understanding, much less that of web-based technologies and tools. 

Jason Falls is not place social media effort totally on the PR staff’s shoulder unless the organization’s PR department can demonstrate kind of tech-savviness required to accept the responsibility. He would, instead employ a expert in social media who reports to the same person or department as the public relations director with both instructed to work hand-in-hand on social media projects. 

Jason believe that in three to five years will come, he see social media marketing as an almost exclusive domain of public relations professionals, so long as we get our joint heads out of our asses and learn how to do it. Social media can be considered as public relations in the online world. The kinds of social media such as blogs, social networks, podcast, or wikis share the some way to a component of public relations which is writing, corporate communications, community relations, media relations and event management. 

Public relations as social media owner in many ways also address the fear of the online community that marketers do not fit in. Thinking we can trim away the corporate chat and manage clear communications efforts in years to come, the PR representatives are the least likely to sell and most competent of speaking as humans to humans, rather that up-selling product to the consumers. 

Before he ends his article, he came out with a question again which whether the public relations will evolve as the social media will evolve into components of a sophisticated public relations effort which only us as the PR practitioners wannabe to answer that. That is all from me right now. We will meet again in the next article review. See Y’all!!!

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