Monday, 24 October 2011

Week 4 ::Creating buzz: New Media Tactics Have Changed the PR and Advertising Game::

By: Azasyazana binti Azizan  2009698944

Nowadays, we can see there are a lot of communication developments around the world. The establishment of the new media these days has changed numerous strategies used in the PR field and advertising game. As the communication has highly developed, the need in using the internet and new media also increase.

The public relations are pulling ahead of advertising as the architect of buzz. There are also options for the companies in investing for their benefits. They choose to invest in "viral games" and "contextual marketing" rather than primetime events. So adding a few dollops of buzz as a PR tactic can't possibly hurt, even though some of it may be stealthy. There is a dark art called "astroturfing" which the responsible PR pros won't touch and experimental.

The term ‘Buzz’ here means the modern variant of gossip which is a combination of marketing communication and public relations in a highly networked world. The world bypassing print media for its first contact with news, through text messaging than voice via mobile phone, and a world in which e-mail-circulated stories and chat room postings travel faster than a newsletter or a press release. A new set of communication tools has now upstaged trusted old ones, and yet the communicators should agree with it. Besides that, people nowadays more trusted on the PR rather than the advertisement towards an issue occurred in ones’ company.

There are two factors causes the shifting which is the changing of technology and the struggling global economy. People are now looking for the new media venues and new tactics in order to advertise their products and services rather than other media. According to Ries, “word of mouth is the real secret weapon in building a brand. But how do you get the first mouth started? The media is a great place to start. You don’t need traditional media for that.”

In the pre-internet days, getting TV audiences to call a toll-free number to enter a sweepstakes is important for integrated marketing communications (IMC). This looks more creative and interesting than ordinary media used. The communications between audiences also become effective since it leads to s direct communication.

The new PR may sound rebellious and anarchic, but those who demand it are intensely focused on measurement, which can also happen in real time. Marketers who are looking for life beyond the 30second commercial are monitoring clickthroughs, and the time spent on product pages.

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