Sunday, 9 October 2011

Week 1 ::"Can You See the Writing on My Wall? A Content Analysis of the Fortune 50's Facebook Social Networking Sites"::

By:  Yang Sariyah binti Ahmad Iqbal  2009644222

It is so true that everything is at your fingertips now a day. The fact that Internet and Technology had contributed a lot to our life can no longer be denied. No one can avoid technology, so thus organizations. An organization can no longer choose to hide in their shell and refuse to accept the reality that they too have to engage with the new medium and move forward together with the development of Internet and Technology. If ever an organization chooses to stay with the traditional approach and their traditional ways of doing things, then the organization might not be able to survive in this era of globalization.

The title of the journal that I have read is “Can you see the writing on my wall? A content analysis of the Fortune 50’s Facebook social networking sites” by Tina McCorkindale, Ph.D. Her research reveals on how most organizations even organizations that are highly rank in the Fortune 50’s are captivated by Facebook but are not wisely utilizing this medium. What I understood is that most of the organizations are joining Facebook bandwagon barely because they don’t want to be left far behind or maybe because it’s what other organizations been doing. Thus, the organization fails in producing fruitful benefits out of the page.

Organizations should invest their time or even money in creating an interesting Facebook page. For now, maybe there are still many organizations out there who have not realize the power of social media, who have not yet see the outcome and benefits of this medium. But at least, if an organization decided to join in the Facebook bandwagon, they should not do it half-hearted and later neglect the page. If so, the organization itself is tarnishing its image. Furthermore, remember that Facebook is not associate to a certain age of people. Everyone has Facebook. Thus, any negative statements or negligence of your organization will be view by a large number of people.

Criteria of a good Facebook page for an organization are: 
(1) The page should have a disclaimer on the site about its use. 
(2) The information on the page should be in-depth more that surface. 
(3) The page should be updated frequently at least once a month.     
(4) The page should be sanitized (it is unwise for an organization to leave negative statements of the organization for someone else to read). 
(5) Create a two way communication by responding to comments and suggestions posted on the page.                
(6) Make the page interesting by putting photos and videos. 
(7) Try to exploit the page not only to inform but to educate the public about the organization and the organization’s contributions to better distinguish the organization from its rivals.
(8) Put attractions on the page that can help to arouse people to re-visit the page such as promotions, free gifts etc. and last but not least
(9) Always be alert as Facebook can be a tool to provoke others against the organization (“Boycott Exxon Mobil”, “Anti- Walmart”, “Verizon Sucks” are a few examples of anti-fan page)

In a nutshell, understanding Facebook and the strategy behind using Facebook is essential for organizations in this social-media driven environment. 

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